Research Overview

Since 2010, GIQuIC has set the standard in the collection and reporting of quality measures in the practice of gastrointestinal endoscopy. This robust dataset is an invaluable resource for practice benchmarking and further provides an excellent opportunity for those interested in gastroenterology research. 

GIQuIC registry data are contributed from endoscopy units in various practice settings across the United States. Data enters the registry via two methods: direct data entry or, more commonly, upload from an endoscopic health writer (endowriter). For the purpose of research, GIQuIC registry data undergoes a de-identification process and is transferred to the Research Data Warehouse. This separate database is stored on a different secure server from the registry data and can only be accessed by GIQuIC staff. 

The Research Data Warehouse contains de-identified information on sites, providers, patients, and procedures that allows investigators to address complex and varied research questions. For an overview of data included in the registry, please refer to the colonoscopy and EGD data collection forms:

The GIQuIC research committee carefully reviews all project proposals, evaluating the project’s feasibility, novelty, and potential impact. All analyses are completed by GIQuIC’s team of in-house data analysts, who work closely with principal investigators (PIs) in order to best address the research question. Most projects are hypothesis-driven and are undertaken with the intention of publishing results in a peer-reviewed journal. 

For all research inquiries, contact

GIQuIC Research Committee