2023 GIQuIC Quality Data Validation Audit
To ensure the quality and validity of the data uploaded to the registry, an audit process has been developed and implemented by the GIQuIC team. This process involves examining the procedure data of participating physicians to evaluate the accuracy of data fields critical for GIQuIC quality measures, such as:
- procedure indication
- photo documentation of cecal landmarks
- recommended follow-up interval
- pathology results entry
It is important to note that the purpose of the audit is not to identify endoscopists with low quality scores, but rather to ensure the data being uploaded to GIQuIC accurately reflects performance and is consistent with the information that can be found in patient procedure notes and medical records. This audit does not suggest any potential issue with the data submitted to the GIQuIC registry. Audit participants will be contacted in the spring and summer.
GIQuIC has been approved once again as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) to allow physicians to submit their data for the 2023 performance year to CMS’ Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) program. This audit process also helps to satisfy CMS’s provisions for GIQuIC to continue to be certified as a QCDR. If your providers are planning to report to CMS’ Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) via the GIQuIC QCDR this calendar year, this audit fulfills the auditing requirements associated with quality reporting. However, we will also be including physicians not submitting to MIPS through GIQuIC in our audit process.
GIQuIC will further audit the Improvement Activity (IA) attestations or Promoting Interoperability (PI) data, should those categories be reported via the GIQuIC QCDR. For more information about the 2023 GIQuIC MIPS audit, please click here.
GIQuIC Data Self Assessment
Only a subset of physicians who participate in GIQuIC will be audited each year, but that does not mean you cannot evaluate the accuracy of your providers’ data on a regular basis. To learn how you can take a closer look at your site’s data to ensure it is accurate and reliably reflects the performance of your physicians, please watch the QuIC Bite webinar, QuIC Quality Check, available under Previous QuIC Bite Webinars in the News section on the homepage of the registry.