ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award

This award, offered jointly by the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), supports one- or two-year awards of up to $50,000 for projects involving the use and outcomes of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy using the GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC). This award type is for physicians (MD, DO, or PhD) in the U.S. or Canada. Must be an ACG or ASGE member at the time of submission.

Grant submission will be open later in 2023.

For potential GIQuIC studies that intend to apply for the ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the research process differs from our standard research request process:

  1. Interested PIs must contact GIQuIC with their study idea and inform GIQuIC that they will be applying for the ACG/ASGE Epidemiological Research Award.
  2. GIQuIC research staff will collaborate with the PI to answer any questions about GIQuIC data and provide feedback about feasibility.
  3. The GIQuIC research committee does not review proposals that will be submitted to the ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award.
  4. Once the PI writes a proposal that is considered feasible in terms of the data collected by GIQuIC, GIQuIC will then provide a letter of support and scope of work (budget) to the PI to submit along with the research proposal to the ACG/ASGE.

To learn more about GIQuIC research, please email us at

Previous Award Grant Recipients

Lovekirat Singh Dhaliwal, MD

Emory University School of Medicine
Impact of Social Determinants of Health in Barrett’s Esophagus Surveillance and Management: An Analysis Using the GIQuIC Database


Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH 

NYU Grossman School of Medicine 
Association of Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy and Risk of Metachronous Advanced Neoplasia at Surveillance Colonoscopy: Results from a National Colonoscopy Registry 


Seth Crockett, MD, MPH 

Oregon Health & Science University 
Assessing variability among polypectomy practices and postpolypectomy adverse events among US endoscopists 


Jason Dominitz, MD, MHS 

University of Washington School of Medicine 
Comparison of Colonoscopy Quality Metrics Among Individuals Undergoing Diagnostic Colonoscopy for an Abnormal Fecal Occult Blood Test, Abnormal FIT-DNA Test or Average Risk Screening Colonoscopy in a National Colonoscopy Registry